About Us
They say the best companies are created when you solve a problem that you have yourself and then sell that as a product to others. This is the case of Whatagraph. We offer marketing professionals an intuitive one-stop marketing data platform that allows them to regain time and focus on what really matters - strategy and execution.
Trusted by 1,000+ marketing agencies around the world

Mission and vision
The marketing world is abundant with data. The more data you have, the more difficult it becomes to interpret it.
At Whatagraph, our mission is to empower marketing agencies and marketing professionals to make data-driven decisions. Fast. Our goal is to provide a replacement for multiple slow and complex tools out there on the market that will allow marketers to connect, organize, visualize, and share data, saving hours in the process.

First, we made marketing reporting easy
Our journey with marketing data began in 2015. The co-founder of Whatagraph, Justas Malinauskas, was running a successful digital marketing agency at the time. Despite having just a handful of clients, each account required many reports across different channels.
"Like many agencies today, we resorted to free reporting tools, only to find out that they lacked the key features we needed. We wanted to reduce complexity and increase client satisfaction at the same time.”
Justas Malinauskas
We were creating reports from scratch and struggled as other agencies struggle even today. And that was our first goal — to make marketing reporting easy for marketers. How? By improving the agencies’ workflow of connecting, visualizing, and sharing marketing data. We developed native integrations, a great report and dashboard builder, and reporting automations to make the process scalable.

Becoming a leader in marketing data management
In 2024, Whatagraph expanded to become an all-in-one marketing data platform, now covering one more important step of organizing (unifying, blending, aggregating data) in the same intuitive manner.
The abundance of marketing sources brought on a new challenge for agencies and in-house teams — how to connect, organize, visualize, and share scattered and siloed marketing data that has been growing in volume and complexity each year.
Now, Whatagraph is a globally recognized solution that removes manual work and struggles from working with data, allowing marketers to manage the whole data journey from its original source to their preferred destination in the way they want.