Marketing analytics & reporting

Top 10 Essential Marketing Skills

Marketing plays a vital part in the success of any campaign or business. It includes understanding your audience, creating and promoting your products and services by reaching out to your prospective customers.

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool
Indrė Jankutė-Carmaciu

Feb 12 2020 4 min read

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool

Table of Contents

  • 1. Data Analysis
  • 2. Analytics Skills
  • 3. Communication Skills
  • 4. Customer/User Experience
  • 5. Goal-Oriented Marketing
  • 6. Digital and Online Marketing
  • 7. Social Media Management
  • 8. Teamwork
  • 9. Life-Long Learning Skill
  • 10. Creativity

Marketers are required to have diverse and strong marketing skills to be successful in this ever-changing and evolving field. The following are the top ten essential skills for marketing.

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1. Data Analysis

Data analysis is one of the essential skills needed for marketing nowadays. In today's marketing landscape, everything is costumers centered and data-driven from planning the product and services to successful distribution.

Marketing requires the skill to gather and track a significant amount of data. Marketers need to not only track but also measure and monitor this data and be able to use it to improve the marketing strategy.

Successful marketers know how to ask the right question, analyze the data and deliver the specific services their potential customers want and need.

2. Analytics Skills

Analytics tools are an essential part of any successful marketing strategy. Metrics are used to monitor and measure the performance of the campaign or business with the help of key performance indicators.

A successful marketer needs to have the ability to use powerful analytics tools to track and monitor the performance of the business. Marketing requires the skill of analyzing the data as well as using the insights gained and optimizing accordingly.

3. Communication Skills

Communication with customers is the central part of marketing. Conveying a clear message to a target audience and making them feel or act in a certain way is valuable marketing skill.

Storytelling: Every brand has a story to tell, and how they tell the story and market their product plays a vital role in the success of a business. A good story not only engages the audience but make them return and convert.

Content marketing and Copywriting are part of an effective marketing strategy. Writing ad copy, press releases, blog posts, social media essay and newsletters require in-depth knowledge, research skills, and creativity. Moreover, writing engaging content to attract your target audience with the help of experienced content or essay writers and convincing them to act as you want them to is an essential part of marketing.

Additionally, writing blog posts and ads is not enough now. With social media marketing on the rise, writing engaging status updates and tweets on social media are all part of the successful marketing strategy.

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4. Customer/User Experience

Successful marketers have the skill to improve the experience of their customers. Users experience and customer experience may both relate to customers' satisfaction but require a different kind of expertise.

User experience refers to the experience of users while they interact with your product. It measures website performance, such as how quickly and easily users find the required information and navigate through your website.

While customer experience is referred to the customers’ overall experience, for example, their engagement with the brand and how helpful was the customer services. In the end, how satisfied customers were with the whole experience creates loyal customers.

5. Goal-Oriented Marketing

A useful marketing strategy use metrics to monitor and track the progress of the business towards pre-defined goals. Successful marketing requires SMART goals that are:

  • S-specific
  • M-measurable
  • A-achievable
  • R-realistic
  • T -timed

When you know what goals you want to achieve, you focus your efforts to reach those goals. A goal oriented-marketing means setting up specific goals and then creating a solid strategy and plan to accomplish those goals.

6. Digital and Online Marketing

Online marketing is one of the most crucial parts of marketing. Understanding Google's algorithm and keeping up with its updates and using it to your advantage is all part of a successful marketing strategy.

Video marketing and mobile marketing are rapidly gaining popularity recently, and more than half of the online traffic comes from mobile devices. Therefore, having the skills for video production and mobile marketing makes a huge difference in today’s marketing landscape. Additionally, Email marketing is another opportunity to interact with and engage potential customers.

SEO/SEM: The knowledge of SEO and SEM is a crucial skill to have that scale your marketing efforts, and plays a vital role in successful marketing. Experienced marketers know how to bring the target audience to a website.

Writing engaging content is not enough; having search engine optimization skills is a must. For instance, using relevant keywords to make your content rank higher in search engines will make it easier for your audience to find your content.

7. Social Media Management

Social media management is another essential skill marketer needs to have to succeed. Social media platforms are necessary for brands to interact with their potential customers and convert them into loyal customers. It also requires the ability to understand and implement social media analytics and insights.

  • Social media management skills include understanding social networks and how to use them properly to engage your target audience.
  • Understanding social media marketing tools and knowing how to use them to your advantage.

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8. Teamwork

Being able to work within a team is an important marketing skill. As the whole process of marketing requires multiple team members to collaborate and work together to create and deliver a successful product.

A collective team that works well together shows a united front and send a convincing message to the consumer.

9. Life-Long Learning Skill

Marketing is a rapidly changing and evolving profession; thereby, it requires you to learn new skills as you go. Plus, an ability to adapt quickly to keep up with the ever-changing demands of this field as technology evolves and introduce the new and improved ways to market your products and services.

Lifelong learning means having an open mind and a positive attitude towards learning new things. You need to be aware of new emerging trends and be able to research. Moreover, marketing is all about changing your techniques if things are not working and improving your strategy.

10. Creativity

If more and more marketing efforts are becoming analytical and data-driven, it does not mean creativity has lost its place in the marketing landscape. For marketing, science, and creativity, both work hand in hand, and both skills are in demand, as creativity is needed now more than ever. It is beneficial to be different and unique so that you can compete with a lot of brands and make your place.

Marketers should have the skill to come up with exciting ideas to engage their audience. Creativity is required for visual effects as well as to develop creative content, ads, and status updates.

Furthermore, the packaging and presentation of products are the first thing the prospective customers notice. An initial good impression attracts potential customers to your product and makes you stand out from your rivals.

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Published on Feb 12 2020

Whatagraph marketing reporting tool


Indrė Jankutė-Carmaciu

Indrė is a copywriter at Whatagraph with extensive experience in search engine optimization and public relations. She holds a degree in International Relations, while her professional background includes different marketing and advertising niches. She manages to merge marketing strategy and public speaking while educating readers on how to automate their businesses.